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VOFY needs your time 

Hi! My name is Shri Anantha, I am seventeen years old, and I am the founder of Vitiligo Organization For Youth.


Vitiligo Organization for Youth, also known as VOFY, is a non-profit organization which advocates for kids and teenagers who have been diagnosed with vitiligo. When I was three years old, my mom noticed that there were these white spots on my hand. Immediately, panic set in my family. After going to multiple different doctors and flying to India to seek top medical consultations, my parents were told that I had vitiligo. We tried everything. You name it. My parents tried it. Growing up, it just wasn’t the best experience because while all this treatment was going on, I was judged for the way I looked. At one point, I used makeup to hide my vitiligo because I just couldn’t take it anymore. Other than family, I didn’t have any allies growing up, anyone that would understand what I was going through. And now, I don’t want any other kid or teenager who has vitiligo to grow up the same way I did. Which is why on February 25th, 2019, I founded Vitiligo Organization For Youth.


If you have vitiligo, just know that you are not alone. There are so many people like me who are here to give you support! I highly encourage you to reach out to us.


Use VOFY as an opportunity to gain confidence about your vitiligo by applying to be a VOFY Ambassador! If you want anyone to listen to you or give advice and support, email VOFY! (


Join the VOFY movement today, which advocates for the youth who have been diagnosed with vitiligo. Together, let's raise awareness.

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